{This script describes solute transport through three hydrogeologic layers. II want to use it to simulate vertical salt water seepage.When I simulate the pressure or omega it gives realistic results for both but when I couple both variables and equations it gives bad results. I think there is something wrong with the definition of p. Maybe you can give a look at it. Besides this mathematical problem it gives a BAD NEIGHBOR FAULT as I ask you when I simulate the layers with (real) little thickness. Hopefullt you can help me with this. Thanks. greetz Marc Zwaanswijk} TITLE '2D solute flow across Lichtaard, NW Friesland, Netherlands ' SELECT stages=10 contours=30 VARIABLES { system variables } pressure omega DEFINITIONS { parameter definitions } k=1e-10 mu=1e-3 rho_0=1000 gy=10 g=vector(0,10) D=9.5e-10 w = 0.0357*erf(-y/5) rho=rho_0*exp(0.69*omega) p=-rho*gy*y q=-(k/mu)*(grad(pressure)+rho*g) J=-rho*D*grad(omega) {diffusive flux} fac=10**((stage-10)/3) INITIAL VALUES omega=w { define initial distribution of concentration } pressure=p { define initial distribution of pressure } EQUATIONS { PDE's, one for each variable } {voor stationaire situatie} omega:div(rho*omega*q*fac)+div(J)=0 pressure:div(rho*q*fac)=0 BOUNDARIES { The domain definition } REGION 1 "total area" START(0,0) value(omega)=w value(pressure)=p line to (0,-32) value(omega) =0.0357 natural(pressure)=0 line to (2250,-32) value(omega)=w value(pressure)=p line to (2250,0) value(pressure)=0 line to (1650,0) line to (1650,-1.5) value(pressure)=0 line to (1400,-1.5) line to (1400,0) value(pressure)=0 line to (1150,0) line to (1150,-1.5) value(pressure)=0 line to (950,-1.5) line to (950,0) value(pressure)=0 line to (800,0) line to (800,-1.5) value(pressure)=0 line to (600,-1.5) line to (600,0) value(pressure)=0 line to finish REGION 2 "deklaag" k=2.3e-14 START(0,0) line to (0,-2.0) line to (2250,-2.0) line to (2250,0) line to (1650,0) line to (1650,-1.5) line to (1400,-1.5) line to (1400,0) line to (1150,0) line to (1150,-1.5) line to (950,-1.5) line to (950,0) line to (800,0) line to (800,-1.5) line to (600,-1.5) line to (600,0) line to finish REGION 3 "fijnzandig wvp" k=1.2e-13 START(0,-2.0) line to (0,-9.0) line to (2250,-9.0) line to (2250,-2.0) line to finish REGION 4 "grofzandig wvp" k=1.2e-10 START(0,-9.0) line to (0,-32) line to (2250,-32) line to (2250,-9.0) line to finish REGION 5 "bodem afgraving 1" k=7e-14 START(600,-1.5) line to (600,-2.0) line to (800,-2.0) line to (800,-1.5) line to finish REGION 6 "bodem afgraving 2" k=7e-14 START(950,-1.5) line to (950,-2.0) line to (1150,-2.0) line to (1150,-1.5) line to finish REGION 7 "bodem afgraving 3" k=7e-14 START(1400,-1.5) line to (1400,-2.0) line to (1650,-2.0) line to (1650,-1.5) line to finish FEATURE START "afgraving 1" (600,-2.0) LINE TO (800,-2.0) FEATURE START "afgraving 2" (950,-2.0) LINE TO (1150,-2.0) FEATURE START "afgraving 3" (1400,-2.0) LINE TO (1650,-2.0) MONITORS contour(pressure) painted zoom contour(w) painted zoom contour(omega) painted zoom contour(p) painted zoom vector(q) zoom elevation(omega) from (0,0) to (0,-32) elevation(w) from (0,0) to (0,-32) PLOTS contour(pressure) painted zoom contour(w) painted zoom contour(omega) painted zoom contour(p) painted zoom vector(q) zoom elevation(omega) from (0,0) to (0,-32) elevation(w) from (0,0) to (0,-32) SUMMARY EXPORT FILE="Integrals" REPORT LINE_INTEGRAL(normal(-(k/mu)*(grad(pressure)+rho*g)),"afgraving 1") REPORT LINE_INTEGRAL(normal(-(k/mu)*(grad(pressure)+rho*g)),"afgraving 2") REPORT LINE_INTEGRAL(normal(-(k/mu)*(grad(pressure)+rho*g)),"afgraving 3") END